Privacy Policy

Part A: Introduction

1 About Slyp

1.1 At Slyp, we are committed to delivering innovative and elegant solutions that solve real problems for real people.

1.2 The Go Rewards App gives access to these innovative solutions.

1.3 The Go Rewards Loyalty Program aggregates merchant-specific loyalty programs, allowing you to accrue loyalty points at a range of merchants, retailers and service providers using the App.

1.4 As part of the Go Rewards App, we have created a digital transaction record functionality. Our solution revolutionises paper receipts with a smarter, feature-rich, digital transaction record that may be delivered in a bank partner’s mobile application, Merchant partner’s mobile application, Go Rewards mobile application or via SMS (Smart Receipts).

2 Introduction

2.1 Slyp Pty Ltd (ABN 19 613 031 271) (we, us or our) recognises the importance of protecting the privacy and the rights of individuals in relation to their personal information.

2.2 At Slyp, the protection of your data is of critical importance. We respect your rights to privacy under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act) and we comply with all of the requirements of the Act in respect of the collection, management and disclosure of your personal information.

2.3 The term ‘Personal Information’ has the meaning given to it in the Act. In general terms, personal information is any information that can be used to personally identify you. This may include your name, address, telephone number, email address and profession or occupation. If the information we collect personally identifies you, or you are reasonably identifiable from it, the information will be considered personal information.

2.4 By using and accessing the Slyp website at (and any sites related to that domain) (Site), the Go Rewards App and/or using our services, you agree to the terms and conditions of this policy.

Part B: Go Rewards Loyalty Program

3 What personal information do we collect, hold, use and disclose?

3.1 We may collect the following types of personal information:

  1. your name;
  2. your contact information, such as your email address, telephone number or postal address;
  3. your age or date of birth;
  4. the merchant loyalty programs you have signed up for or enquired about, together with any additional information necessary to sign up to specific merchant loyalty programs;
  5. information garnered as a result of our use of cookies and other tracking technologies, including button clicks, screens viewed and App state changes; and
  6. any additional information relating to you that you provide to us directly through the Go Rewards App or indirectly through the use of our Go Rewards App, the Site, social media or online presence, through our representatives or otherwise.

4 For what purposes do we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information?

4.1 We collect personal information about you so that we can perform our business activities and provide the best possible quality of customer service. In particular, we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for the following purposes:

  1. to provide services to you;
  2. to send communications to you;
  3. to answer enquiries and provide information or advice about our services;
  4. to assess the performance of our Site and the Go Rewards App and to improve the operation of our Site and the Go Rewards App;
  5. to conduct business administration and processing functions, including providing personal information to contractors, service providers or other third parties;
  6. for marketing, planning, product or service development, quality control and research purposes;
  7. to update our records and keep your contact details up to date;
  8. to process and respond to any complaint made by you;
  9. to enforce our legal rights and to protect the rights of third parties; and
  10. to comply with any law, rule, regulation, lawful and binding determination, decision, or direction of a regulator, or in co-operation with any governmental authority.

5 Who will we disclose your personal information to?

5.1 We may disclose your personal information to:

  1. merchant partners, where you have signed up for the merchant’s loyalty program;
  2. our employees, contractors or service providers for the purposes of the operation of the Go Rewards App and our business activities;
  3. suppliers and other third parties with whom we have commercial relationships, for business, marketing and related purposes;
  4. government agencies, regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies, or other similar entities, where required under or authorised by law;
  5. accountants, auditors, lawyers and other professional advisors we engage who require access to information;
  6. third party acquirers in the event that we sell or transfer all or any relevant portion of our business or assets; and
  7. any organisation for any authorised purpose with your express consent.

Part C: Slyp Smart Receipts

Slyp Smart Receipts delivered in Bank partners’ mobile application

We provide Smart Receipts to customers of partnering Banks directly to their mobile banking application (subject to this feature being activated). We do not collect personal information to deliver Smart Receipts in Bank partners’ mobile applications, in other words, the data we collect is not identifiable to you. The feature works by linking your anonymised Bank transaction details with your anonymised Merchant transaction details to render your Receipts inside your mobile banking application. Bank partners and Slyp exchange information using a randomly generated customer identifier meaning that Bank partners do not share your identity with Slyp.

Partnering Banks are financial institutions that issue credit cards or debit cards, or an entity providing other payment method, to customers and has entered into, and remains a party to, a services agreement with Slyp to provide Smart Receipts to its customers (Bank).

6 What personal information and/or data do we collect, hold, use and disclose?

6.1 As part of this service, we may collect the data outlined below:

Type of data Data Description How data is collected
Anonymised information about transactions you made with your registered Bank cards enabling us to match those with your corresponding Merchant receipts, including:
Bank transaction details (anonymised)
  • anonymised account details
  • payment authentication details
  • transaction time, amount and currency
  • other transaction metadata
Supplied by Bank partners
Anonymised information typically available on your tax receipts enabling us to surface such information inside your Receipts and to match your corresponding Bank transactions, including:
Merchant receipt details (anonymised)
  • your matching transaction details:
  • details of Merchant you purchased from
  • details of items you purchased
  • your loyalty and membership number where relevant*
  • your Australian business number (ABN) where relevant*
* To protect your privacy, your loyalty or membership number and ABN are stored in encrypted form.
Supplied by Merchant partners
Your anonymised demographic details:
Customer demographics (anonymised)
  • age range;
  • gender; and
  • approximate area of residence
Supplied by Bank partners
Information about how you access and use our services, including:
Usage data (anonymised)
  • the time when you access Smart Receipts
  • your device type and operation system (iOS, Android)
  • your feature use (including receipt exports, receipt searches and interactive links)
Supplied by Bank partners

6.2 At each stage, data is collected (either from Bank partners or Merchant partners) electronically using RESTful Application Programming Interface (API) technology.

7 How do we use the information collected to provide Smart Receipts in Bank partners’ mobile application?

7.1 We will only use the information collected where we have a legitimate business purpose to do so and in accordance with the contractual terms agreed with our relevant Bank and Merchant partners. Below is an outline of the purposes for which we may use the information we collect:

  1. to generate Smart Receipts and display those in Bank partners mobile application;
  2. to perform internal analysis, helping us improve and develop our services;
  3. to provide Merchant and Bank partners with analytics products and insights using anonymised data;
  4. to conduct general administration of the business (including preparing partners’ invoices, accounting, finance, answering enquiries from partners and their customers);
  5. to monitor and conduct activities related to the security of our informatic systems and services;
  6. to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and exercise our legal rights; and
  7. to provide any additional services you have consented to (including additional Smart Receipt integrations with third-party services such as expense and financial management tools).

8 Who will we disclose your personal information to?

8.1 We may disclose the information we collect to the following:

  1. bank partners for the purpose of surfacing the Smart Receipts inside their mobile application;
  2. third-parties you have consented to share information with (including third-parties who provide services integrated with Smart Receipts such as expense and finance management tools);
  3. Merchants that you shop with to access Smart Receipts issued on their behalf and de-identified demographic information about customers who transacted with them;
  4. accountants, auditors, lawyers and other professional advisors we engage who require access to information;
  5. government agencies, regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies, or other similar entities, where required under or authorised by law;
  6. third-party service providers to whom we may outsource certain organisational functions; and
  7. third-party acquirer(s) in the event that we sell or transfer all or any relevant portion of our business or assets.

Slyp Smart Receipt - Smart Receipts delivered via SMS or Merchant mobile applications.

We provide Merchants with the ability to deliver Smart Receipts to their customers via SMS or mobile applications owned, operated, or controlled by a Merchant.

9 What personal information and/or data do we collect?

9.1 When providing this service, Slyp may collect the information outlined below:

Type of data Data description How data is collected
Contact details Mobile number enabling us to send Smart Receipts via SMS Supplied by Merchant partners
Anonymised information typically available on a tax receipt enabling us to surface such information inside the Smart Receipts, including:
Merchant receipt details (anonymised)
  • Your anonymised transaction details
  • details of Merchant you purchased from
  • details of items you purchased
  • your loyalty and membership number where relevant*
  • your Australian business number (ABN) where relevant*
* To protect your privacy, your loyalty or membership number and ABN are stored in encrypted form.
Supplied by Merchant partners
Anonymised information about how you access and use our services, including:
Usage data and cookies (Anonymised)
  • the time when you access Smart Receipts
  • the IP address used to access our web hosted receipt
  • any cookies
Collected via Sites

10 How do we use the information collected to provide Smart Receipts in Merchant partners’ mobile applications or via SMS?

10.1 We will only use the information collected where we have a legitimate business purpose to do so and in accordance with our Merchants’ services agreements. Below outlines the purposes we may use the information we collect:

  1. to generate Smart Receipts and deliver those via SMS or to Merchant to make available via their mobile application (Smart Receipts are hosted on our Site and Slyp provides a unique link to access them);
  2. to perform internal analysis helping us improve and develop our services;
  3. to provide Merchants with analytics products and insights using anonymised data;
  4. to conduct general administration of the business (including partners’ invoice, accounting, finance, answering partners and their customers’ enquiries);
  5. to monitor and conduct activities related to the security of our systems and services; and
  6. to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and exercise our legal rights.

11 Who will we disclose your information to?

11.1 We may disclose the information we collect to the following:

  1. Merchants that you shop with to access Smart Receipts issued on their behalf;
  2. accountants, auditors, lawyers and other professional advisors we engage who require access to information;
  3. government agencies, regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies, or other similar entities, where required under or authorised by law;
  4. third-party service providers to whom we may outsource certain organisational functions; and
  5. third-party acquirer(s) in the event that we sell or transfer all or any relevant portion of our business or assets.

Slyp Smart Receipt - Smart Receipts delivered via Go Rewards App

We provide Merchants with the ability to deliver Smart Receipts to their customers via the Go Rewards App.

12 What personal information and/or data do we collect?

12.1 When providing this service, Slyp may collect the information outlined below:

Type of data collected Data description How data is collected
Contact details
  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone number
Supplied by you upon signing up to the Go Rewards App
Information typically available on a tax receipt enabling us to surface such information inside the Receipts, including:
Merchant receipt details
  • Your transaction details
  • details of Merchant you purchased from
  • details of items you purchased
  • your loyalty and/or membership number where relevant
Supplied by Merchant partners
Information about how you access and use our services, including:
Usage data and cookies (Anonymised)
  • information you provide in free text fields, such as surveys, search terms or chat functions
  • the time when you access Smart Receipts
  • the IP address used to access our web hosted receipt and general location information
  • information from any enabled cookies
  • information from third parties you enable or connect to Slyp
  • other information stored on your phone that you grant us access to, such as scanned or online receipts
Collected via Sites and/or Slyp partners you interact with

12.2 Where information is collected from Merchant partners, this information is collected electronically through APIs.

13 How do we use the information collected to provide Smart Receipts in the Slyp App, Merchant partners’ application or via SMS?

13.1 We will only use the information collected where we have a legitimate business purpose to do so. Below outlines the purposes we may use the information we collect:

  1. to generate Smart Receipts and deliver those via SMS, the Go Rewards App, or via any Merchants' application;
  2. to perform internal analysis helping us improve and develop our services;
  3. to provide Merchants with analytics products and insights using anonymised data;
  4. to conduct general administration of the business (including accounting, finance, answering enquiries);
  5. to monitor and conduct activities related to the security of our systems and services; and
  6. to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and exercise our legal rights.

14 Who will we disclose your information to?

14.1 We may disclose the information we collect to the following:

  1. Merchants that you shop with to access Receipts issued on their behalf;
  2. accountants, auditors, lawyers and other professional advisors we engage who require access to information;
  3. government agencies, regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies, or other similar entities, where required under or authorised by law;
  4. third-party service providers to whom we may outsource certain services or functions;
  5. third-party service providers who you connect or enable with Slyp; and
  6. third-party acquirer(s) in the event that we sell or transfer all or any relevant portion of our business or assets.

Slyp Smart Receipt – Users interacting with our Site or merchant portal (“My Slyp”)

We provide a range of services on our Site and our merchant portal which are accessible by a range of different users. For example, Merchants can create an account with Slyp, manage their account details and access their Smart Receipts. Users (whether they are retailers, Smart Receipt recipients or any other individual visiting our Site) can provide feedback or seek to get in touch with us. We also conduct business activities such as marketing, recruitment and corporate communications operations via our Site.

15 What personal information and/or data do we collect?

15.1 As part of these services, Slyp may collect the information outlined below:

Type of data Data Description How data is collected
Contact details you provide when contacting us via our Sites, including your:
Contact details
  • name
  • email address
  • relationship with Slyp (i.e. customer, retailer, Bank or other).
Supplied by you when contacting us
Views, opinions, requests, etc. Any information you share with us when contacting us Supplied by you when contacting us
Information to set up a Merchant account with Slyp, to enable Smart Receipts to be offered to your customers including:
Merchant account details
  • your business details (including ABN, phone number and trading name)
  • your store details (including name, address, phone number, ABN, opening hours)
  • your branding details (including logo, brand colour palette, social links, website)
Supplied by Merchants when using our Sites and managing their accounts
Usage data and Cookies Information about how you access and use our services Collected via your interactions with our Sites

16 How do we use the information collected when you use our Sites?

16.1 We will only use the information collected where we have a legitimate business purpose to do so. Below outlines the purposes we may use the information we collect:

  1. to answer enquiries and feedback submitted via our Sites;
  2. to perform internal analysis, helping us improve and develop our Sites and services;
  3. to monitor and conduct activities related to the security of our systems and services;
  4. to conduct general administration of the business (including management of Merchants’ accounts, partners’ invoice, accounting and finance);
  5. to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and exercise our legal rights;
  6. to communicate with you about maintaining and updating your contact information where appropriate; and
  7. to communicate with you on subject which may be of interest including:
    1. service updates and news about our services;
    2. news items and other information in which you may be interested;
    3. maintaining and updating your contact information where appropriate; and
    4. conducting surveys.

17 Who will we disclose your information to?

17.1 We may disclose the information we collect to the following:

  1. accountants, auditors, lawyers and other professional advisors we engage who require access to information;
  2. government agencies, regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies, or other similar entities, where required under or authorised by law;
  3. third-party service providers to whom we may outsource certain organisational functions (including direct marketing); and
  4. third-party acquirer(s) in the event that we sell or transfer all or any relevant portion of our business or assets.

Slyp Smart Receipt - General Business Operations

Slyp may collect information from any person who interacts with us in the course of conducting business, including employees, job applicants, clients (current and prospective) and other third-parties.

18 What personal information and/or data do we collect?

18.1 Slyp may collect the information outlined below:

Type of data Data description How data is collected
We may collect information from employees and job applicants to carry out relevant operations:
Employee and job application details
  • your contact details (name, email, mobile number and address)
  • your payment details (bank details, superannuation details and tax file number)
  • your health information where relevant (including allergies and disability affecting your work)
  • your resume, background checks and performance and disciplinary records
  • records of your access to our systems and devices.
Information is normally supplied by you, referees or third-parties (such as University or professional bodies) Some information may also be directly collected by our systems
We may collect the below information from clients, prospective clients and third parties we conduct business to carry out relevant operations:
Clients, prospective clients and third-parties we conduct business with details
  • your contact details (name, email, mobile number and work address)
  • the company your represent and your role
  • records of your previous interactions with Slyp for customer relationship management purposes
Information may be supplied by you directly, a colleague of yours or one of our partners.

19 How do we use the information collected from employees, job applicants, clients and third-parties we engage with?

19.1 We will only use the information collected where we have a legitimate business purpose to do so. Below outlines the purposes we may use the information we collect:

  1. to consider the suitability of employment for prospective job applicants;
  2. to conduct general administration of the business (employee payroll, organising networking events and managing employee performance);
  3. to perform internal analysis helping us improve and develop our services;
  4. to monitor and conduct activities related to the security of our systems and services;
  5. to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and exercise our legal rights; and
  6. to communicate with you on subject which may be of interest including:
    1. Service updates and news about our services.
    2. News items and other information in which you may be interested.
    3. Open roles.
    4. Maintaining and updating your contact information where appropriate.
    5. Conducting surveys.

20 Who will we disclose your information to?

20.1 We may disclose the information we collect to the following:

  1. accountants, auditors, lawyers and other professional advisors we engage who require access to information;
  2. government agencies, regulatory bodies and law enforcement agencies, or other similar entities, where required under or authorised by law;
  3. third-party service providers to whom we may outsource certain organisational functions (including direct marketing); and
  4. third-party acquirer(s) in the event that we sell or transfer all or any relevant portion of our business or assets.

Part D: General Terms

21 Do we disclose your personal information to anyone outside Australia?

21.1 Currently, we do not disclose your personal information to third party suppliers and servicer providers, or data hosting and other IT service providers located outside Australia.

22 Direct marketing materials

22.1 We may send you direct marketing communications and information about our products or services that we consider may be of interest to you. These communications may be sent in various forms, including mail, SMS and email, or by push notifications within our Go Rewards App. These communications will be sent in accordance with applicable marketing laws, such as the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) and the Do Not Call Register Act 2006 (Cth).

22.2 You consent to us sending you direct marketing communications by any of the methods identified above.

22.3 At any time you can opt-out of receiving direct marketing communications from us by unsubscribing from the mailing list by clicking on the link in the marketing communication or contacting us using the details set out below.

22.4 We will provide your personal information to Go Rewards loyalty program and Smart Receipt merchant partners for the purpose of direct marketing. As part of the sign up process for the Go Rewards App, you consent to us providing your personal information to merchant partners for the purpose of direct marketing.

23 Security

23.1 We take reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is protected from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, including:

  1. Staff education: we train and remind our staff of their obligations with regards to your personal information.
  2. System security: when you transact with us on the internet via our Sites or via our partners’ APIs, we encrypt data sent to our systems.
  3. Building security: we have protection in our buildings against unauthorised access such as cameras and access key controls.
  4. Disposal of data which is no longer required: we have defined policies to ensure that we only keep personal information for as long as required (for example, to meet user needs, legal requirements or our internal needs). If we no longer need to hold your personal information for any reason or we are no longer required by law to keep it, we will take reasonable steps to de-identify or destroy that information. These steps may vary depending on the nature of the information, the way it was collected and how it was stored.

23.2 As our Site and the Go Rewards App are linked to the internet, and the internet is inherently insecure, we cannot provide any assurance regarding the security of transmission of information you communicate to us online. We also cannot guarantee that the information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted over the internet. Accordingly, any personal information or other information which you transmit to us online is transmitted at your own risk.

24 Links

24.1 Our Site and the Go Rewards App may contain links to other websites operated by third parties, including merchant partners. We make no representations or warranties in relation to the privacy practices of any third-party websites and we are not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of any third party website.

24.2 Third party websites are responsible for informing you about their own privacy practices.

25 Maintaining Data Accuracy

25.1 On an ongoing basis, we take reasonable steps to ensure that:

  1. your personal information is accurate and has been kept up to date (where necessary); and
  2. any of your personal information that we process that is inaccurate (having regard to the purposes for which it is processed) is erased or rectified if we become aware of the inaccuracy.

25.2 From time to time we may ask you to confirm the accuracy of your personal information.

26 Cookies

26.1 We may, in some cases, use cookies or other similar technologies to provide our services to you.

26.2 When you visit our Sites, we may use ‘cookies’ or other similar tracking technologies that help us track your website usage and remember your preferences. Cookies are small files that store information on your computer, mobile phone or other device. They enable the entity that put the cookie on your device to recognise you across different websites, services, devices and/or browsing sessions. While we do not use browsing information to identify you personally, we may record certain information about your use of our Sites, such as which pages you visit, the time and date of your visit, search engine referrals and the internet protocol address assigned to your device.

26.3 You can change your cookie settings at any time and can disable cookies through your internet browser. How you do so depends on your browser and the type of cookie. Certain browsers can be set to reject all browser cookies. If you configure your device to block all cookies, you may disrupt certain features and limit the functionality we can provide when you visit or use our Sites. If you use our Sites without changing your settings, you consent to our use of cookies.

27 Web beacons

27.1 Our direct marketing communications may contain electronic images, known as web beacons. These electronic images enable us to know if a recipient has opened our communications or visited certain click through links (such as our Site). Web beacons are a tool we use to analyse the engagement with our communications and help us improve your experience.

28 Anonymity

28.1 Where possible and lawful, you may interact with us anonymously or using a pseudonym. For example, if you contact us with a general question, you are not required to give us your name unless we need it to adequately handle your question.

28.2 Generally, we do not collect the names of customers from Merchants’ partners who receive Smart Receipts from us. However, for some of our functions and activities, we may need your name, contact information and other details to enable us to provide our services or products to you.

29 Accessing, updating and correcting your personal information

29.1 We will endeavour to ensure that the personal information collected from you is up to date, accurate and complete.

29.2 You may request access to, or correction of, the personal information we hold about you at any time by contacting us using the details provided below. We will need to verify your identity before responding to your request. Subject to any applicable exceptions or requirements, we will provide you with access to the personal information you request within a reasonable time and usually within 30 days.

29.3 There may be instances where we cannot grant you access to the personal information we hold. For example, we may need to refuse access if granting access would interfere with the privacy of others or if it would result in a breach of confidentiality. If that happens, we will provide you with written reasons for our refusal.

30 Contacting us

30.1 If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, our treatment of your personal information, complaints, or would like to access or amend your personal information, please contact us at

31 Complaints

31.1 If you contact us to raise a complaint, we will consider your complaint promptly and contact you to seek to resolve the matter. If we are unable to provide a final response within 45 days, we will contact you to explain why and discuss a timeframe to resolve the complaint.

31.2 Under the Act, if you are not satisfied with our response, you are also entitled to make a complaint to the Australian Privacy Commissioner. For more information about the Australian Privacy Principles, or if we are unable to satisfactorily resolve your concerns about our handling of your personal information, you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner via the OAIC website,, or by using the details provided below:

32 Changes to our Privacy Policy

32.1 We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any updated versions of this Policy will be posted on our Site. Please review it regularly.

32.2 This privacy policy was last updated on 17/05/2024.